
Monday, 30 March 2009


Sappho -fragment 2

The Ode to Anactoria

That man seems to me peer of gods, who sits in thy presence,
and hears close to him thy sweet speech and lovely laughter;
that indeed makes my heart flutter in my bosom. For when I
see thee but a little, I have no utterance left, my tongue is
broken down, and straightway a subtle fire has run under my
skin, with my eyes I have no sight, my ears ring, sweat pours
down, and a trembling seizes all my body; I am paler than
grass, and seem in my madness little better than one dead. But
I must dare all, since one so poor ...

H. T. Wharton

Monday, 23 March 2009


the cool breeze and starry night

A sea-breeze (or onshore breeze) is a wind from the sea that develops over land near coasts. It is formed by increasing temperature differences between the land and water which create a pressure minimum over the land due to its relative warmth and forces higher pressure, cooler air from the sea to move inland. Generally, air temperature gets cooler relative to nearby locations as one moves closer to a large body of watertells me

you are near!
Sea Breeze

Far off. Let’s go!
the birds, fly

into unknown spume

golden gardens mirrored by eyes –

in the sea,
the abandoned light of my lamp,


Sunday, 22 March 2009


The satire of the organization of the Christian religions is subtle and swift, particularly in the performed presentation of the works. The verse begins as a hail to the virgin

"Ave, Formosissima"...

Hail, most beautiful and good,

Jewel held most dear by us;

Hail, honor of maidenhood,

Virgin ever glorious--

Hail, thou light above all lights,

Hail, rose of the world--


And Helen,Venus,Venus,

Venus noble-souled!

and ends as a tribute to three goddesses of love .

Monday, 16 March 2009



Four girls, they are loaded aboard an old yawl of 14 tons,Bonita, for Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily and, following in the footsteps of Ulysses,
and the Ionian
Islands Ithaca. Finally, on a tuna they rigged the yawl Atalante
they attempt to repeat the feat Alain Gerbault.

Tuesday, 10 March 2009


JEAN GENET visual poem


Evoking homosexual desire and existentialist suffering ,. After its initial screening in 1950, the film was banned in France , the only copies remained for over a decade with the gay intellectuals . In America in the 1960s the films resulted in arrests, near-prosecutions and finally an outright ban. Fifty years after itsbirth, the film was judged to be acceptable for public screenings, (some of the film’s more controversial scenes were cut.) Genet himself disliked the film and, in later life, disowned it. Despite its chequered history and reputation as pornography for the gay intelligentsia, Un chant d'amour is arguably Genet’s most evocative and haunting work. His only film, it is easily on a par with hi decided to start with the first film, Le Sang d’un poète / The Blood of a Poet, which runs about 55 minutes. I was dubious about Cocteau as a filmmaker since, as a poet, he was one of those laughably bad frauds produced during Europe’s decadent interwar years. While attempting to be Surreal, Cocteau’s writing was puerile, half-hearted, and soaked with clichés. He loathed the king of the Surrealists, André Breton, whom he sought to displace, and their antagonism has gotten both bad writers more play than anything either one ever wrote. s celebrated literary works, such as Notre-Dame-des-Fleurs and Querelle de Brest. With the mocking surrealism of Luis Buñuel and dark poetry of Jean Cocteau, it is as much a condemnation of middle class values as it is a celebration of sexual desire and a reflection of Genet’s grim existentialist outlook. The film depicts homophobia with uncompromising brutality, through the sadistic prison warder, for a society that is both titilated and repulsed by the idea of homosexual acts. A short film , twenty six minutes,in black and white, with no soundtrack.

Stylistically, nearer to the experimental films of the 1930s (Cocteau's Le Sang d'un poète or Man Ray's surrealist shorts). Cinematography crude, almost primitive. Genet draw on his own experiences in prison . Existentialists this film conveys the bleakness of a existence in a godless universe with painful believability. Thel anguish prisoners in their solitary cells, yearning for the human contact to reaffirm their existence, (share a fragment of the existentialist nightmare that was Genet’s own troubled life, a life marred by rejection, depression and self-doubt.) Un chant d'amour is less a film about homosexuality or voyeurism, but much more one about the torment of living in an empty loveless universe.


Arrests d'Amours. Le tout diligement revu et corr igé en une infinité d'endroits, outres les précédentes impressions.
- Rouen, Raphaël du Petit Val, 1587 In-16 de 899 pp.,(1) p., (29) ff., maroquin citron, filet doré d'encadrement, armes aux centres des plats, dos à nerfs orné de caissons de fleurons et d'oiseaux dorés, pièce de titre de maroquin rouge, coupes et bordures décorées, tranches dorées (reliure du XVIIe siècle). Belle édition des célèbres Arrêts d'Amour de Martial de Paris, dit Martial d'Auvergne. Elle est complète et comporte bien le 53e Arrêt. Composés vers 1460 par ce juriste, procureur au Parlement, les Arrêts d'Amour furent l'un des livres les plus lus à la fin du Moyen-Age (on compte 35 éditions jusqu'en 1734). Chacun des 53 "arrêts" est un cas de casuistique amoureuse, un procès débattu devant Prévot de Deuil, Bailli de Joie, Viguier d'Amour, la Cour d'Amour ou les Dames du Conseil d'Amour. Chaque arrêt est divisé en trois parties: énoncé de la cause, débat, lecture du jugement. La peine la plus grave est le bannissement de l'Empire d'Amour. Ce livre repose sur la parodie du langage juridique et marque l'aboutissement du type lyrique des cours d'amour, ainsi que des remous suscités par "La Belle Dame sans mercy". Les thèmes proviennent du roman courtois mais prennent souvent une allure de fabliau: le plaisir de conter, le goût de l'époque pour le récit bref s'y trahissent."Livre charmant. Il est plus clair et plus léger que "Les Droits Nouveaux" de Coquillart, moins amer et moins profond que "Les Quinze Joyes du mariage". Montaiglon, Poètes français. Quelques restaurations anciennes, petit travail en marge à une dizaine de feuillets. Bel exemplaire, en maroquin, aux armes de Jacques-Annibal Claret de La Tourette, président de la Cour des Monnaies de Lyon. Olivier, Hermal et Roton, pl. 37, fer n° 2. De la bibliothèque Michel de Bry (Bookseller: Librairie Laurent Coulet]

Wednesday, 4 March 2009


The Language Of Sin

I burn my inheritance, I say:
"My land is virgin, and no graves in my youth."
I transcend both God and Satan
(my path goes beyond the paths of God and Satan).
I go across in my book,
in the procession of the luminous thunderbolt,
the procession of the green thunderbolt,
"After me there's no Paradise, no Fall,
"and abolish
ing the language of sin.

To Sisyphus

I vowed to write upon water,
I vowed to bear with Sisyphus
his speechless rock.
I vowed to stay with Sisyphus
suffering the fevers and the sparks, and seeking in blind eyes
a last plume
that writes for autumn and grass
In the poem of the fall
I vowed to live with Sisyphus.

Said Unto You

I said unto youI listened to the seas
reading to me their verses
I listened to the bells
slumbering inside the oyster shells.

I said unto you:
I sang my songs at Satans wedding
and the feast of the fable.
I said unto you: I beheld,
in the rain of history
and the glow of the distance
a fairy and a dwelling.
Because I sail in my eyes,
I said unto you, I beheld
in the first step of the distance.